Sep 8, 2016

How to review Hanu Reddy Realty, Mylapore on Google Plus?!

Are you looking to review the services of Hanu Reddy Realty, Mylapore?

There are different ways to do a review on Google, please find below easy steps

This one is the easiest. Go to Google and search for "Hanu Reddy Realty, Myalpore" in either Google search or Google Maps and once you are logged into your Gmail account, you can review easily.

As you can see on the right hand side Hanu Reddy Realty and below "Reviews". Click on "Write a reivew".
You will see a new box with Rate & review option, choose the star rating, write a review in the box provided and mention the Realtor name and at the end check everything is OK and click "Post" on bottom right.  Note that "Post" tab will be highlighted only after you rate using the stars.
Here's alternative method while searching through Google Maps for "Hanu Reddy Realty, Myalpore"
As you see on the left hand side below Hanu Reddy Realty, you can see stars and reviews. Click on the reviews.
You can see the reviews and star rating given by others, and click on "WRITE A REVIEW"
You will see a new box with Rate & review option, choose the star rating, write a review in the box provided and mention the Realtor name and at the end check everything is OK and click "Post" on bottom right.  Note that "Post" tab will be highlighted only after you rate using the stars.

Thanks for reviewing!